Case studies are one of the most powerful marketing tools, which is why they’re used by more than 42% of marketers in their strategy.
Think of them as testimonials or reviews from people who’ve had personal experience of a product or service. For agencies in the marketing industry, they’re a crucial badge of honour to help generate new leads.
Whatever the shape or size of your agency, you will most certainly have completed projects that have resulted in satisfied customers. So why shouldn’t you use your hard work to attract more new business?
Collect testimonials, stats and imagery to create engaging storytelling of your projects and how they resulted in happy clients – giving new business prospects another reason to get in touch.
The reason why you need to create effective case studies is to showcase your agency’s good points and attract more customers.
But what exactly is a case study? It’s a detailed outline of how your product or service has helped someone in a real-world business situation. It should begin with a description of any challenges, opportunities or objectives that were involved.
It should then explain the strategy you used to overcome those challenges, how you capitalised on the opportunities or reached your objectives, and provide examples of results.
Your case study should also include details of the target audience, messaging, channels used, resources and budget, concluding with the results using data, metrics, and KPIs.
A good case study is typically accompanied by a quote from the customer praising and recommending your company.
The plain fact is that case studies are an excellent way to generate new leads because they can be used in various ways to augment your marketing strategy.
Companies often use case studies as collateral in pitches as persuasive reasons for using your marketing agency over one of your competitors.
They’re featured on websites, to lend credibility to email marketing, social media and other marketing materials.
They provide readers with a first-hand look into how your product or service has helped someone else and demonstrate the value of your offering.
Other advantages of using case studies can be seen in the trust and credibility they build with potential clients or customers, besides increasing loyalty and repeat sales.
On the subject of generating new business, at Alchemis we know from experience that this is the toughest part of any agency function. It’s hard, time consuming and challenging.
As creative, marketing and communications agency specialists for over 35 years, we can provide you with a tried and proven way to help you grow if your company provides any service that would fit under this banner.
We understand all agency disciplines and each market sector. We share the passion our clients have for their own agencies and as a result, revel in our clients’ successes.
Hearing from a client that they have won a new contract from the work we have done is our raison d’être. Our own case studies demonstrate some of our favourite success stories.
To view these, and to see how our intelligent, focused and personable approach to business development identifies and delivers opportunities to help you secure your ideal new clients, contact us today.